Сама я ленюсь, поэтому
As promised, since it is a little difficult to get a hold of Mirage of Blaze stage play DVDs, I will summarize the events of the second play here. Bear in mind that my knowledge of Japanese language is still elementary, so there might be mistakes, and I couldn’t really understand some of the discussions. Let me know if you see something that’s wrong and I’ll fix it!
If you haven’t seen or read about the first play yet, go do that
This play corresponds to the third volume of the Showa-era prequels (Honō no Mirage Showa-hen: Ruritsubame Blues(炎の蜃気楼昭和編 瑠璃燕ブルース )). The play was performed in Theater 1010 (Adachi, Tokyo, Japan) on October 8–13, 2015. The DVD can be ordered
here , though they can only deliver it inside Japan.
Here comes the first part:
The play starts with Nobunaga and Mori scheming something, surrounded by spirits. Kagetora (called Kase in this life) shows up and calls Kuchiki (now partly taken by Nobunaga) to return to Regalo with him. Nobunaga seems confused about his identity, but doesn’t accept Mori’s reassurance.
Kagetora starts fighting the spirits, and is eventually joined by Naoe, Haruie and Irobe. They are having problems with their powers, but are saved by Nagahide and move on to exorcise the spirits.
читать дальшеKagetora chases Nobunaga, and next we see the same thing as in the PV, which you can see here.
After a blackout we see Regalo, and there’s new staff: a cute, cheerful boy called Natsu. After chatting with Marii (Haruie), he gets scolded and told to get to work by the chief, who is sitting by the counter with Nagahide.
Minako shows up - apparently she is now playing the piano at Regalo. Kagetora voices some doubts about whether it’s a good idea or not, but the chief tells him it’s okay, she’s not a kid after all.
After the chief heads out, Haruie tells Nagahide not to drink too much before heading to the stage. Nagahide and Kagetora talk, and manage to annoy each other quite quickly. Nagahide is there to take pictures of Haruie, and shows off his new camera to Kagetora. Nagahide says they haven’t seen Naoe recently, and Kagetora seems to say he’s been tied up at the school a lot. They also discuss the situation regarding Nobunaga.
Marii starts signing with Minako playing the piano for her, and they seem to have a considerable audience. Natsu talks about wanting to play on the stage too (Nagahide called him a “drum boy” before), and Kase encourages him to work hard for it. Natsu gets excited and even calls Kase “aniki”. He says something about a children’s gang and knowing someone who kind of looks like Kase. Kase says something about being older, but Natsu tells him he looks young though.
Next we see Kagetora alone in the bar. Minako walks in, saying she forgot something. She seems like she wants to speak with Kase, but he’s being a bit cold toward her. They talk about music and playing at Regalo, which Minako really wants to do. Kagetora is not too impressed, as she is still a student, and used to playing classic instead of jazz. He even goes as far as to tell her to quit if she’s not going to do it well, and gives her money for a taxi and leaves her. Marii shows up, and Minako asks her something about her and Kase, gets the wrong idea and leaves.
Kagetora comes back and Marii asks what happened with Minako. Kagetora tells her he told her to quit if she’s going to be half-hearted about playing, and Marii get’s angry as she sees a lot of potential in Minako. She tells him to apologize to her the next time he sees her.
Now the chief of Regalo shows up. He tells Marii she run into an acquaintance, and through the help of that connection, he offers her a recording debut. Marii becomes really happy and asks him to continue the talks to make it happen.
After the chief leaves, Kagetora immediately stops Marii’s celebration and tells her she can’t have her debut. Marii is surprised by this, and asks him why. Kagetora asks her if she understands her position, and reminds her they are currently fighting with the Oda. Marii is still cheerful and tells him it’s her dream to record and that she wants to take that rare chance, not seeing the harm to their mission. Kagetora raises his voice at her when her pleading gets more desperate, saying she is one of the Uesugi yasha-shuu. Marii brings up some old conversation (I think the one in the OVA episodes where Kagetora was willing to let Haruie leave), but Kagetora says the situation has changed and stands his ground. In the end Marii runs off, leaving Kagetora alone in the bar, seeming quite tired. He calls Kenshin’s name and wonders how long they must keep going.
The chief comes back and Kase tells him to call off the debut. Next a phone rings. The chief takes it - it’s Minako telling him she’ll quit after the next gig.
They move on to open a package sent to the chief by someone called Shinonome Jirou, a person he doesn’t know. Turns out it’s a skull. Someone calls again, and the chief tries questioning them, but doesn’t seem to get a lot out of it, except that it was a man’s voice. Kase promises to look into the issue.
To be continued.
*smacks Kase over the head*
Thanks for this translation!