3-я часть пересказа в картинках. Взято здесь.
"Та самая" сцена, перевод которой выложен в Соо.
(Unfortunately this part includes a lot of guessing and missed sentences - I’m sorry. I’ll compensate with a lot of screencaps.)
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First we see Naoe alone in Kagetora’s apartment, in pain due to the injury he got in the fight with Shinonome Jirou. Kagetora walks in, and remarks the place looks like it’s been in a typhoon: the apartment has been trashed. Apparently someone has been there, most probably searching for the skull.
They talk about the situation, until Naoe says something to which Kagetora doesn’t reply. In silence, Kagetora goes to Naoe’s side.
Kagetora squats down next to Naoe with a bowl of ice and a piece of cloth, and shoves the wet cloth on Naoe’s neck, making him wince. He takes a hold of the cloth, not quite touching Kagetora’s hand.
Kagetora asks him if it hurts. When Naoe doesn’t answer, Kagetora starts saying something about going to a hospital, but Naoe cuts him off, apparently not wanting to go.
Naoe says he’s glad about something, but it only makes Kagetora annoyed. He’s possibly scolding Naoe for not being better at taking care of himself, with his focus on protecting others. Kagetora drops the cloth, picks up an icecube and presses it against Naoe’s neck, who now grabs Kagetora’s hand.
Kagetora tells Naoe it’s enough, and wants him to leave soon. Naoe starts asking why, and Kagetora silences him by putting the ice on the back of his neck.
Kagetora gets a bit emotional briefly, mentioning something about some significant event that has happened earlier, and about losing sleep. Hardening his tone again, he repeats that Naoe should leave. He lets go of Naoe and drops the piece of ice. Naoe doesn’t respond, and Kagetora asks him if he didn’t hear him.
He starts to get up, but Naoe grabs his arm and pulls him back down. Getting increasingly passionate as he speaks, Naoe says that to protect Kagetora gives meaning to his existence, and if that was to be taken away from him, he wouldn’t have a reason to keep being reborn, and Kagetora should start understanding that soon.
Kagetora raises his voice, not impressed at Naoe attaching the value of his own existence to Kagetora’s, and tells him to cut it off.
Naoe twists Kagetora’s arm and they struggle a bit. He says something about Kagetora being difficult, and about running away. Kagetora’s comeback seems to get under his skin, so he grabs a piece of ice and pushes it on Kagetora’s neck.
Naoe keeps talking, and Kagetora tells him to stop at some point. Naoe is not going to stop though, and saying he is going to prove something to Kagetora, pushes him on the floor and straddles him.
After some grunting and panting, they both quiet down. Naoe says something in a quiet voice, holding his hand gently on Kagetora’s neck. Kagetora calmly tells him it’s enough.
Naoe bends really close. He’s talking in a low voice. Kagetora doesn’t seem to buy whatever Naoe is saying, calling his arguments “howling of a loser dog”. Naoe asks if they should see about it, and starts opening Kagetora’s shirt.
Naoe stops in the middle, again beginning to talk about something. He mentions a revolution, but Kagetora, again, is unimpressed. He asks where Naoe would go if Kagetora wasn’t there, and seems to laugh mockingly at the kind of world that Naoe longs for.
Something Kagetora says finally pushes Naoe over the edge and he snaps. Naoe releases his hold of his shirt and wrist, pressing his hands on Kagetora’s throat instead and starts to strangle him.
Naoe is panting, but Kagetora isn’t fighting back and goes silent. When Kagetora’s hand on Naoe’s wrist eventually drops down, Naoe seems to relent a little bit, and Kagetora starts to draw breath and cough. Naoe quickly gets off him - he’s clearly in a shock at what he has done, looking at his own hand with regret.
When Kagetora gets up, he drops a piece of ice he’s been holding from before and looks up at Naoe. Naoe turns to run, but Kagetora grabs him.
Kagetora says it’s fine. There’s a short silence as he sighs, before saying that since it’s late, Naoe shouldn’t go anymore. Naoe turns to look at him, and the scene blacks out.
To be continued.
Mirage of Blaze stage play: Ruritsubame Blues part 3
3-я часть пересказа в картинках. Взято здесь.
"Та самая" сцена, перевод которой выложен в Соо.
(Unfortunately this part includes a lot of guessing and missed sentences - I’m sorry. I’ll compensate with a lot of screencaps.)
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"Та самая" сцена, перевод которой выложен в Соо.
(Unfortunately this part includes a lot of guessing and missed sentences - I’m sorry. I’ll compensate with a lot of screencaps.)
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