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The scene starts with Jirou waking up after Irobe and Naoe have been checking his condition at their shrine. Irobe apologizes beforehand, for he has a lot to ask, but Jirou seems cooperative. Irobe firsts asks him if he is Shinonome Jirou, but to their surprise, he says no, and explains: he is actually Jirou’s twin brother, Michio. (Next they talk a lot about the plot and Michio’s background, but I don’t understand much.) Michio seems somehow regretful about the stuff he has been doing, like he hasn’t had a choice and has been scared about his situation. That’s why he delivered the skull to Regalo.
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Michio mentions Kagetora as well, and Naoe becomes angry to the point of getting physical, so Irobe has to come between them. Irobe eventually get Naoe to step aside for a bit to cool down, and continues asking Michio more about the situation. Not all Michio has done has been of his own decision though: he says some of the things are on the spirit that has taken over him. There’s still some kind of confusion in the air. Irobe mentions Natsu, and Michio’s answer causes him to deduct Michio doesn’t remember everything.
Irobe calls Hakkai, and tells Michio to rest for a bit more. As they go, Irobe and Naoe continue speculating. Irobe seems to think that the spirit that has at times taken Michio is the actual Shinonome Jirou - meaning Jirou himself has died. They decide they need to look for Jirou’s spirit. There are still some things they don’t understand though, including the origin of the female skull.
Irobe sets out to go to Regalo. Suddenly Haruie shows up, and Naoe angrily asks her what she’s doing out. Haruie is quiet, saying sorry for the worry she has caused. She’s still dressed in clothes from the hospitals, and Naoe wonders why they’ve let her out and commands her to return. Haruie isn’t listening though, and enters their shrine.
Michio comes back out, thanks Naoe and is about to head out. Naoe asks him where he is going, but doesn’t get a clear answer. Michio seems terribly stressed out, and Naoe isn’t acting very empathetic, reminding Michio all his former friends are dead. During their conversation, Michio manages to make Naoe speechless by asking him if there’s anyone he hates (“nikui”). He talks about the difference between two kinds of hate (“nikui” and “kirai”), getting quite passionate about it but not clearly saying who he is talking about. All this seems to hit Naoe where it hurts.
Before Michio, takes off, he warns Naoe to beware of something, but before Naoe can ask more, Michio is gone and Hakkai storms out to bring bad news: Kagetora has collapsed. Naoe immediately sets off to go to him.
We are now in Kagetora’s dream. First he’s alone somewhere, but Kuchiki shows up, saying they should go bathing in a sento next time. Kagetora agrees, and Kuchiki says he’s always nice to him. He asks a bit about Marii, but their conversation is cut short when ghosts suddenly appear and scare Kuchiki, who starts screaming for Kase to save him. He doesn’t remember everything, but he wants to listen to Marii sing and keep working at Regalo - a normal life would be enough for him. As the ghosts flock around Kuchiki, he grabs a hold of Kase, saying he can only ask Kase for help. Kase gets on his knees too, and asks Kuchiki to come back to Regalo. But it’s no use. The ghosts take Kuchiki, who screams Kase’s name as he’s taken away and Kase is left behind, likewise screaming Kuchiki’s name.
At Regalo, boss Shigyou is calling Kase’s name by his bed when Naoe rushes in. Shigyou recognizes Naoe as someone who has come to Regalo before, but Naoe barely notices him, going straight to Kagetora, calling his name and asking if he can hear him. Shigyou explains Kase had collapsed while working, but he’s confused too: since the skull appeared, both Marii and Kase have collapsed. He asks if Naoe wants something to drink and goes get something for him.
Kagetora starts waking up soon, and Naoe rushes to take his hand and helps him sit up. Naoe is quite frantic, asking what happened, but Kagetora just tells him to listen well. Kase has realized something about how he has been attacked. When Naoe wonders who could have done it, Kagetora mention Natsu and Jirou. Naoe explains about Jirou and Michio, and also tells him about Michio’s warning.
Kagetora seems to understand something, and orders Naoe to return to the shrine immediately and says no matter what they mustn’t let anyone get the skull. There’s something significant about the skull being female’s, leading Kagetora to ask about where Marii is. When Naoe says she just went to the jinja, Kagetora tells him to go there as soon as possible - something bad might be about to happen. Before he can say everything, Kagetora comes under pain again and loses his consciousness, leaving Naoe to scream his name. Irobe walks in, and Naoe asks him to take care of Kagetora before he runs out.
Back at the shrine, Haruie has taken the skull. Hakkai rushes to her and tries to take it back, but Haruie easily fights him off and disappears with the skull.
Naoe runs in, and Hakkai explains what has happened. Hakkai has taken some damage but is still standing. They are quite upset about what has happened, and agree to contact Nagahide and to search for Marii.
To be continued.
Mirage of Blaze stage play: Ruritsubame Blues part 6
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The scene starts with Jirou waking up after Irobe and Naoe have been checking his condition at their shrine. Irobe apologizes beforehand, for he has a lot to ask, but Jirou seems cooperative. Irobe firsts asks him if he is Shinonome Jirou, but to their surprise, he says no, and explains: he is actually Jirou’s twin brother, Michio. (Next they talk a lot about the plot and Michio’s background, but I don’t understand much.) Michio seems somehow regretful about the stuff he has been doing, like he hasn’t had a choice and has been scared about his situation. That’s why he delivered the skull to Regalo.
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The scene starts with Jirou waking up after Irobe and Naoe have been checking his condition at their shrine. Irobe apologizes beforehand, for he has a lot to ask, but Jirou seems cooperative. Irobe firsts asks him if he is Shinonome Jirou, but to their surprise, he says no, and explains: he is actually Jirou’s twin brother, Michio. (Next they talk a lot about the plot and Michio’s background, but I don’t understand much.) Michio seems somehow regretful about the stuff he has been doing, like he hasn’t had a choice and has been scared about his situation. That’s why he delivered the skull to Regalo.
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