А это как раз описание той мини-постановки из "Буги-вуги", которая содержит сцену с сигаретой. И от которой меня штырит непадеццки. )))
И я, пожалуй, когда закончу 18-й том, пойду читать эти самые "Буги-вуги", а основной цикл опять встанет на паузу, судя по всему. Разрывает меня, короче.

As mentioned, along with the Ruritsubame Blues play, an event to celebrate Mirage of Blaze starting 25 years ago was organized in 2015. As a part of that event, an extra scene from the Shôwa era novel’s fifth book was acted out, due to a request from Kuwabara Mizuna-sensei herself.

The actors probably hadn’t had the time to properly practice it, as they are all looking at scripts during the scene, but let’s not let that bother us. I have tried translating this piece with a help of a friend - a huge thank you to her! If you see anything that is wrong or you can suggest a better way to express the lines in English, please let me know so I can edit this.

The scene is set during the time when Kase and Marii have just begun working at Regalo.

So, please enjoy this scene, called “Love Me Tender”:

We are in Regalo, and there’s trouble: Marii has received a sudden request from Regalo’s owner Shigyou to sing solo, even though she is not experienced yet. Marii is feeling very nervous about this. Kase seems sympathetic, but encourages her to try: they shouldn’t leave the stage empty, after all, and Shigyou wouldn’t ask her if he didn’t have faith in her. Marii is worried that singing alone for the first time, her voice will sound nervous, but in the end decides to try her best and takes the stage.

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