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Kagetora and Naoe meet up - they are on their way to investigate Shinonome Jirou, who they now know was a boss in a kid’s gang.
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When they reach their destination, a man dressed in a women’s style kimono greets them, asking if two fine men like them would like to come drink at their place. Kagetora gets straight to business, asking about “Shinonome - - no, Tsubame no Jirou”. When the guy is not willing to talk at first, Kagetora bribes him with a pack of cigarettes. It works nicely.

Indeed, Jirou was a gang member, but he hasn’t been seen in a while. (They mention dying, but I’m not exactly sure if they think Jirou is dead or what.) They talk about yakuza and pickpockets - Naoe knows a saying about them, but evades the guy’s comment about it.
After some chatting, the guy goes get a picture of Jirou. As they are left alone, Kagetora and Naoe discuss Naoki’s past as a war orphan. As Kagetora is about to light a cigarette while listening to his story, Naoe walks up to him and takes the cigarette from him.

The guy comes back with the picture, and Kagetora and Naoe recognize him as the guy who attacked them earlier. What’s more, to their shock, the guy mentions Natsu and explains he is Jirou’s younger half-brother. After getting this information, Kagetora and Naoe get going.
Next Kagetora meets with Irobe back at Regalo. Kagetora asks about Marii, but apparently she is still not well and it has something to do with the skull. Kagetora shows him the picture, and speculates Natsu must know something. They try think things through, but can’t understand everything yet. For example, Irobe wonders why a former kid gang’s boss would have Nobunaga’s skull. One way or the other, Natsu is involved.

Nagahide shows up too, and brings big news: the skull is not a man’s but a woman’s - meaning means Nobunaga was a woman. Kagetora doesn’t quite believe this, and as they talk further, Nagahide reveals more about the results from the analysis of the skull: in the end, it’s age doesn’t match what it should be if it really was Nobunaga’s. So it’s not Nobunaga’s after all. They agree to keep in touch if they learn more, and Nagahide and Irobe get going.

Next one to walk in is Natsu. Seeing Kase, he tries casually asking if he wasn’t supposed to have a day of, but Kagetora immediately asks about Shinonome Jirou. Mentioning something they learned, he asks why Natsu lied to him. Natsu is being evasive again, but when Kagetora asks about where Jirou is, Natsu’s tone changes and he says Kase actually knows more about “Jirou-aniki’s” whereabouts than Natsu himself. Kagetora goes “eh?” about this, and Natsu says he’s just kidding, and dashes off to work.

Left alone, Kagetora walks behind the counter. There something happens - he is suddenly in pain, grasping at his own chest before passing out and falling to the floor.
Meanwhile, Naoe is walking alone somewhere, and suddenly get a weird feeling. As he goes up to ask something from a person tidying the streets, that person addresses him as “Naoe-dono”. Naoe roughly asks him who he is, and he complains about the lack of proper greeting. As he mentions the Takeda, Naoe realizes it’s Kousaka Danjyou. They question each other about their reasons to have performed kanshou again, and end up talking about Kuchiki and Nobunaga. Kousaka insults the Uesugi’s lack of knowledge and tells Naoe to follow him.

The place they go to seems to be filled with some kind of a spiritual energy, and soon enough an aggressive spirit attacks them. They fight it together. Next it’s Shinonome Jirou himself to come in - apparently possessed by a spirit as well. He still wants the skull back, and attacks Naoe and Kousaka, causing them some trouble with his strenght. In the end, the spirit leaves Jirou, causing Kousaka to chase it and Naoe to stay with Jirou. The guy says something about Jirou as if it’s not about himself, and then passes out. Naoe is left in confusion.

To be continued.
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