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imperfekti(This part had so much plot talk that I didn’t understand - sorry!)
Natsu is alone at Regalo, cleaning the tables, when Naoe comes in and asks if Marii is there. She isn’t. Despite Natsu’s plea not to, Naoe goes behind the counter and looks around. Talking to himself, he theorizes the reduced lighting had some effect on what happened to Kagetora. Natsu asks who exactly he is. Naoe doesn’t answer, but instead calls Natsu by his full name, Natsume Kouta, and asks him where Jirou is. When Natsu doesn’t answer, Naoe pulls out a small round mirror with a piece of paper, accusing Natsu of planting it in Regalo. Natsu tries the “I don’t know anything” technique again, but Naoe yells at him to stop it already.
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Naoe grabs Natsu by his shirt and asks what Jirou has told him, but Natsu shoves him off and still insists he doesn’t know. Naoe continues questioning him, and brings up Kase’s situation, asking if Kase wasn’t supposed to be like an older brother to Natsu - they even went to bathe together and everything. At this rate, Naoe says, Kase is going to die.

Finally Natsu starts talking. It seems he thinks Kase did something bad to Jirou, and he has been getting some information or orders from Handou (Oda’s chief vassal, Mori). In order to observe Kase, Natsu started working in Regalo. He tells Naoe he even wrote Jirou’s name as the sender of the skull on purpose, to take some kind of revenge on Kase. This confirms that Jirou is dead, and the skull is apparently his. He also reveals Michio is Handou’s subordinate.
Naoe and Natsu talk a bit further, until Kousaka comes in with some intel. He mentions Michio being the only one who was left alive from the Tsubame gang, and hints the reason should be obvious. Natsu speculates something - maybe Michio sold the others out?

Kousaka and Naoe talk more, and at some point Naoe comes to the conclusion that everything has been a lie, and Kousaka confirms this.

Suddenly Natsu starts talking about Jirou again, and grabs Kousaka while trying to ask something. Kousaka pushes him away. Natsu doesn’t understand the things they are saying about Sengoku-period and Oda. Naoe and Kousaka continue their discussion for a while longer, including about the signifigance of the skull. It seems Kousaka would also like to see the Takeda acquire it. With that note, he leaves Regalo.

Natsu, now very quiet, wonders if Kase is really going to die because of what he has done. Naoe tells Natsu he has been lied to so as to use him for a plot, and that Kase hasn’t sold out Jirou. Natsu seems to believe this, and confesses that he thought things had been weird. He talks a bit about things that had happened, and how it had even felt hard to believe that Kase would have done something to Jirou. He mentions Kase encouraging him with his drumming - maybe if it wasn’t for the thing with Jirou, things would have been different.

Again, Natsu asks if Kase is going to die, now walking up to Naoe as he speaks. Naoe tells him it’s okay - “he’s won’t die, how could he die from something like this” he yells, grabbing Natsu by his shoulders. “And even if he were to die”, he starts, but stops himself, suddenly he steps back in deep thought, causing Natsu to ask him what is it.

Before Naoe can answer, in walks Nagahide, with Michio in tow - they are joined at wrists by handcuffs so Michio won’t be able to run away. Nagahide makes him sit down in a chair so they can question him. Natsu rushes to Michio, asking what all this means and pleading him to tell him everything.

Seeming shaken, Michio reveals “their” aim is some kind of an imperial parade that has to do with a wedding ceremony. They will use the skull in that event, and Nobunaga will become the new emperor of Japan. When Naoe ask how, Michio tells them the skull has the power to control people.

Not all their plans until now have went according to plan though. Something happened that caused virtually everyone of the former gang die. Michio became scared, and that’s why he lied to Natsu as well. Natsu seems depressed by this, and takes some distance to the others.
Nagahide releases Michio from the handcuff. Naoe and Nagahide agree to search for Marii, and they get going.

Next we see Marii holding the skull, seeming scared. Nobunaga walks in. When Marii doesn’t seem to know who is speaking, Nobunaga calls himself Dairokuten Maou (see Asphodel’s glossary). He drapes an arm over Marii and says he has been waiting for this and tells her to give the skull to them. In the end he calls Marii, who now seems possessed, “Matsu-hime”.

Next the narrator shares short a piece of history from Showa-period, year 34, tenth day of the fourth month, regarding the wedding ceremony. After that, a short montage shows Nobunaga holding the skull in the company of Mori, the Yasha-shuu reaching for Marii, and Michio getting taken over by a spirit again.
To be continued.
не, ну может, это сестрица Санад, но чото както...