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Natsu has come to see Kase, who is still bedridden and unconscious. Regretful, he now thinks it’s his fault that Kase in such a state.

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Natsu’s grieving is cut short when Handou (Mori) shows up. Natsu is angry when he confronts Mori, as he now knows he has been lied to about Kase’s role in whatever that happened to Shinonome Jirou. Handou doesn’t admit anything, and uses his power to take Natsu under control. Insisting that Jirou is dead and that it was Kase who did it, he directs Natsu to walk over Kase’s bed to take revenge by killing him. Natsu has gone completely blank, and extends his arms as if he’s about to strangle Kase.

Before Natsu can touch Kase, Shinonome Michio, now taken over by Jirou’s spirit, jumps in and attacks Handou with magic, causing Natsu to snap out of his daze. Despite telling Jirou not to underestimate the Oda, Handou retreats quickly when Jirou attacks him again.
Natsu first thinks it’s Michio, but when Jirou tells Natsu not to kill Kase, Natsu becomes confused and asks who he is (Jirou and Michio have quite different ways of speaking). Jirou doesn’t answer, instead using his power to call Kase back to consiousness. There’s a light, and suddenly Kase starts coughing and wakes up. Natsu rushes to him and helps him sit up. Kase immediately realizes its Jirou who saved him and thanks him. Jirou returns the thanks, saying Michio has done something inexcusable.

Listening to the exhange, Natsu starts to realize it’s actually his supposedly dead aniki (I’m losing track of if this in the sense of family relationship or from having been in the same gang before). “Long time no see, Natsu”, says Jirou to the moved Natsu. Kase and Jirou talk about the skull and Jirou’s involvement in the recent events. When Kase asks, Jirou reveals the skull is Matsuhime’s - that is, Oda’s oldest son’s, Oda Nobutada’s wife’s skull. They talk more about the history and recent events. Jirou reveals he was actually killed by the skull’s curse. Apparently also Jirou has some resemblance to Nobutada.
Natsu cuts in, still not quite believing that Jirou has actually died - he wants to believe that that too was a lie. Jirou stands up and faces him, quietly telling him he’s sorry.

Jirou then asks Kase for a favour: they need to exorcise Matsuhime. The skull apparently holds both Nobutada’s and Takeda’s grudge (Matsuhime was Takeda Shingen’s daughter), and indeed can be used to control people’s minds. What’s more, the Oda plan to use the skull from Tokyo Tower to take control of large amounts of people at the same time, apparently using a televised wedding parade as the medium for their plot. (“Kuchiki…” goes Kase.)

To stop all this from happening, Jirou needs Kase’s help and asks him to come with him. Kase agrees, but falters and falls to his knees when he tries to get up. Natsu rushes to him, asking if he really believes all this. Kase pats Natsu on the head, and tells him he does - they are Natsu’s aniki’s words, after all. Jirou grabs Kase’s hand and helps him up, and they head out. Before they can go, Natsu screams after Jirou. Kase pats Jirou’s shoulder, and leaves the two alone.

Natsu starts asking if Jirou remembers a time when they were kids and it was raining. Jirou says he does, and recounts some happy memory from their time in the gang. Natsu is about to cry as he talks about all the things he has Jirou to thank for.

Jirou says he understands everything, and puts out his fist. Hesitating at first, Natsu touches it with his own, and they chuckle. As Jirou is about to take his leave, Natsu calls after him one more time, to ask him to take care of Kase. “Leave it to me”, says Jirou.

Meanwhile, Naoe is out looking for something at the parade, when Kagetora calls him. Naoe is surprised at Kase being conscious again. Kagetora orders him to immediately come to Tokyo Tower. Their conversation is interrupted when Kousaka shows up at Naoe’s end, and they are attacked by some thugs that they easily throw off. Continuing on the phone, Kagetora repeats for Naoe to come to Tokyo Tower, as the parade itself is only a part of the Oda’s plot. Saying Nobunaga will be there, Kagetora tells him to hurry. Kousaka agrees, and tells Naoe to go as he himself stays behind to fight the men who were attacking them.

Nagahide is also seen talking to someone, who ends up pulling out a gun and firing shots at him. He evades the bullets. Irobe is shown exorcising a spirit. Their enemies are fighting to make Oda the new emperor. Both Nagahide and Irobe receive orders from Kagetora to go to Tokyo Tower.

Kase and Jirou have made it to Tokyo Tower, and decide they must go up. They fight a considerable amount of spirits. In the middle of the battle, Kase throws off the arm sling and performs an exorcism. It seems to take a lot of strength out of him, and again he his on his knees. Still, he tells Jirou to go ahead, saying he will catch up soon. Suddenly there is a light, and Nobunaga is seen holding the skull and talking about a revolution. Kagetora still refers to him as Kuchiki, and rushes on.

Jirou is succesfully fighting several guys at the time, and eventually Kase catches up and helps him. Again new opponents show up, and now Jirou tells Kase to go ahead to find Matsuhime’s skull, saying he will take care of things here.

Naoe and Irobe make it to Tokyo Tower as well. They are attacked, and they see Jirou fighting the same enemies. After Irobe exorcises them, Naoe goes to ask “Michio” about Kase, but Jirou tells them who he is. He says Kase is further up in the tower. Naoe rushes there, and Jirou and Irobe stay to fight together.

The enemies stop and get on their knees at once though when Handou walks in. Handou joins the fight, and amidst the confusion, grabs one of their own subordinates and threatens to kill him with a sword. Irobe drops the beads he’s been using in the fight and asks Handou to let the guy go. When he does, Handou’s attack gets Irobe off his feet.

Handou fails to serve a final strike though, when Nagahide comes to Irobe’s rescue and puts the beads back on his neck. Handou tells them the revolution is soon about to happen. Nagahide believes Kagetora and Naoe will stop Nobunaga, but Handou hints the Oda have an ace up their sleeve and the Yash-shuu will see their comrade die.

To be continued.
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Natsu has come to see Kase, who is still bedridden and unconscious. Regretful, he now thinks it’s his fault that Kase in such a state.

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Natsu’s grieving is cut short when Handou (Mori) shows up. Natsu is angry when he confronts Mori, as he now knows he has been lied to about Kase’s role in whatever that happened to Shinonome Jirou. Handou doesn’t admit anything, and uses his power to take Natsu under control. Insisting that Jirou is dead and that it was Kase who did it, he directs Natsu to walk over Kase’s bed to take revenge by killing him. Natsu has gone completely blank, and extends his arms as if he’s about to strangle Kase.

Before Natsu can touch Kase, Shinonome Michio, now taken over by Jirou’s spirit, jumps in and attacks Handou with magic, causing Natsu to snap out of his daze. Despite telling Jirou not to underestimate the Oda, Handou retreats quickly when Jirou attacks him again.
Natsu first thinks it’s Michio, but when Jirou tells Natsu not to kill Kase, Natsu becomes confused and asks who he is (Jirou and Michio have quite different ways of speaking). Jirou doesn’t answer, instead using his power to call Kase back to consiousness. There’s a light, and suddenly Kase starts coughing and wakes up. Natsu rushes to him and helps him sit up. Kase immediately realizes its Jirou who saved him and thanks him. Jirou returns the thanks, saying Michio has done something inexcusable.

Listening to the exhange, Natsu starts to realize it’s actually his supposedly dead aniki (I’m losing track of if this in the sense of family relationship or from having been in the same gang before). “Long time no see, Natsu”, says Jirou to the moved Natsu. Kase and Jirou talk about the skull and Jirou’s involvement in the recent events. When Kase asks, Jirou reveals the skull is Matsuhime’s - that is, Oda’s oldest son’s, Oda Nobutada’s wife’s skull. They talk more about the history and recent events. Jirou reveals he was actually killed by the skull’s curse. Apparently also Jirou has some resemblance to Nobutada.
Natsu cuts in, still not quite believing that Jirou has actually died - he wants to believe that that too was a lie. Jirou stands up and faces him, quietly telling him he’s sorry.

Jirou then asks Kase for a favour: they need to exorcise Matsuhime. The skull apparently holds both Nobutada’s and Takeda’s grudge (Matsuhime was Takeda Shingen’s daughter), and indeed can be used to control people’s minds. What’s more, the Oda plan to use the skull from Tokyo Tower to take control of large amounts of people at the same time, apparently using a televised wedding parade as the medium for their plot. (“Kuchiki…” goes Kase.)

To stop all this from happening, Jirou needs Kase’s help and asks him to come with him. Kase agrees, but falters and falls to his knees when he tries to get up. Natsu rushes to him, asking if he really believes all this. Kase pats Natsu on the head, and tells him he does - they are Natsu’s aniki’s words, after all. Jirou grabs Kase’s hand and helps him up, and they head out. Before they can go, Natsu screams after Jirou. Kase pats Jirou’s shoulder, and leaves the two alone.

Natsu starts asking if Jirou remembers a time when they were kids and it was raining. Jirou says he does, and recounts some happy memory from their time in the gang. Natsu is about to cry as he talks about all the things he has Jirou to thank for.

Jirou says he understands everything, and puts out his fist. Hesitating at first, Natsu touches it with his own, and they chuckle. As Jirou is about to take his leave, Natsu calls after him one more time, to ask him to take care of Kase. “Leave it to me”, says Jirou.

Meanwhile, Naoe is out looking for something at the parade, when Kagetora calls him. Naoe is surprised at Kase being conscious again. Kagetora orders him to immediately come to Tokyo Tower. Their conversation is interrupted when Kousaka shows up at Naoe’s end, and they are attacked by some thugs that they easily throw off. Continuing on the phone, Kagetora repeats for Naoe to come to Tokyo Tower, as the parade itself is only a part of the Oda’s plot. Saying Nobunaga will be there, Kagetora tells him to hurry. Kousaka agrees, and tells Naoe to go as he himself stays behind to fight the men who were attacking them.

Nagahide is also seen talking to someone, who ends up pulling out a gun and firing shots at him. He evades the bullets. Irobe is shown exorcising a spirit. Their enemies are fighting to make Oda the new emperor. Both Nagahide and Irobe receive orders from Kagetora to go to Tokyo Tower.

Kase and Jirou have made it to Tokyo Tower, and decide they must go up. They fight a considerable amount of spirits. In the middle of the battle, Kase throws off the arm sling and performs an exorcism. It seems to take a lot of strength out of him, and again he his on his knees. Still, he tells Jirou to go ahead, saying he will catch up soon. Suddenly there is a light, and Nobunaga is seen holding the skull and talking about a revolution. Kagetora still refers to him as Kuchiki, and rushes on.

Jirou is succesfully fighting several guys at the time, and eventually Kase catches up and helps him. Again new opponents show up, and now Jirou tells Kase to go ahead to find Matsuhime’s skull, saying he will take care of things here.

Naoe and Irobe make it to Tokyo Tower as well. They are attacked, and they see Jirou fighting the same enemies. After Irobe exorcises them, Naoe goes to ask “Michio” about Kase, but Jirou tells them who he is. He says Kase is further up in the tower. Naoe rushes there, and Jirou and Irobe stay to fight together.

The enemies stop and get on their knees at once though when Handou walks in. Handou joins the fight, and amidst the confusion, grabs one of their own subordinates and threatens to kill him with a sword. Irobe drops the beads he’s been using in the fight and asks Handou to let the guy go. When he does, Handou’s attack gets Irobe off his feet.

Handou fails to serve a final strike though, when Nagahide comes to Irobe’s rescue and puts the beads back on his neck. Handou tells them the revolution is soon about to happen. Nagahide believes Kagetora and Naoe will stop Nobunaga, but Handou hints the Oda have an ace up their sleeve and the Yash-shuu will see their comrade die.

To be continued.
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@темы: околомиражное
Спросила еще у хорватов - говорят надо Святой Иаков.
А вы говорите - японскую вики!
текст молитвы будет отличаться)))
wakarinikuiiro, да напиши "святой иаков" и далее по тексту. она же не всю молитву на латыни (или это таки испанский?) читает
интересно, с кого они перли - с португальцев или с голландцев
*но моск я вывихнула. Эту главу уже дострадаю, треть осталась, но больше не буду.*
а с Мари им типа душевно по пути. и вообще, Нобугага рассчитывал воспользоваться посмертными чувствами Мацу, чтоб устроить всем вырванные годы. а у нее любовь и желание нормально умереть и присоединиться к Кацуёри перевесили
Если я правильно поняла, в чем совершенно не уверена, в виду отсутствия знаний и матчасти, и языковых.
стоп. я перепутала Кацуёри с Нобутадой!
слушай, может, это Нобутадин череп в итоге? тогда он ни разу не женский, но ему что-то +\-20. и Мацу приманивали на череп? тьфу. запуталась. на слух я вообще отвратно(
пересмотреть, что ли...
тогда не знаю. историческая умерла в старости, почти невинной девой (если не брать инсинуации о ребенке)
О, а что за история с ребенком???