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Mirage of Blaze Showa prequel vol 4: Muhyoumachi Blues
I recently finished going through the fourth book of the Mirage of Blaze Showa prequels, called Muhyoumachi Blues, meaning the next book after the second stage play. Here’s what I found out with my very limited Japanese (and what I still remember - should have taken notes):
The premise: for some mysterious reason, it seems a lot of people have lately seen the same dream about a ship with people who are supposed to be dead.
Naoe sees the dream too: in it, Kagetora, whose current body’s father, mother and sister are all on the ship, is about to leave everything behind as he longs for freedom. He thinks Naoe is going to sell him out. Among other things, Kagetora says something along these lines: “If we can’t change nor break this, what’s left is to go away. That’s all - the only way for me to save you from this suffering.” Naoe, of course, doesn’t want Kagetora to go.
Afterwards Naoe finds out others have had this dream too. Later, Kagetora calls the phenomenon a virus.
At some point Kagetora visits Naoe at his university. There’s a funny bit where he says he feels like a visiting parent, and Naoe tells him not to say that kind of a thing. They investigate something - maybe about some old armors? - and talk about the Hojo.
At some point I think Kagetora is being pretty rough toward Naoe, forcefully ordering him around, to the point of Naoe submitting and sounding quite weak. And I’m not sure, but maybe afterwards Nagahide fights Kagetora about that.
There’s a scene with Minako meeting someone who she seems very familiar with, and they discuss her feelings for Kase. She seems to be aware of having fallen in love with him now. They first talk without names, but eventually the other person understands it’s about Kase.
Later, Naoe shows up at Minako’s place during a rainy night. He feels miserable, and they have a talk, apparently comforting each other.
I have no idea what plot stuff leads to this, but Kagetora and co. (not including Naoe) wind up fighting some bad guys in some hotel. I’m not sure if they kidnap him or what, but in the end Kagetora becomes separated from the rest.
Later, Kagetora is alone somewhere, in a bad shape. He thinks the situation is bad. He calls Naoe’s name in his mind.
Then, Kagetora meets with Kuchiki/Nobunaga. Kagetora calls it the burial of Kase and Kuchiki. They fight - there’s some talk about swords and guns but I’m not sure about the nature of this fight.
Minako has a scene with some female spirit, and that in turn leads her to find Kagetora somewhere in a bad shape. She’s really worried, thinking he might die. As she does, Kagetora, unconscious, visions his wife, Haruhime, from his first life comforting him, saying she’s always by his side. There are some thoughts about Otate no Ran and Kagekatsu as well.
Somewhere along the line, Minako thinks it has been Holy Mary helping her. Kagetora also seems to vision her at some point as he’s saved by Minako. When Kagetora regains consciousness, Minako seems wary as if she’s done something strange, but in the end Kagetora thanks her.
They get Kagetora back to the others and have him treated and make him rest properly in a bed. When Naoe shows up and sees him with Minako, he immediately feels anxious, repeatedly asking why in his mind: “why is that person by his side?”.
Naoe looks at Minako for a long time from the distance, even as she leaves, until he’s noticed by Hakkai and brought to Kagetora. The first thing Kagetora says to him: “You’re late.” (= “I needed you here earlier”, I think.) They talk about plot stuff, most of which I don’t understand.
Naoe has been thinking about how there are some things he can’t bring himself to say to Kagetora, and how he’s acting like a cowardly boy. At some point, Kagetora tells him he can go now, but Naoe doesn’t want to leave him alone in that shape in case their enemies would try to use this moment to their advantage. Kagetora says he’s not in the mood for talking as he’s in pain and wants to rest, closing his eyes.
Finally Naoe snaps and firmly plants both of his hands on the bed. Kagetora is radiating heat because of his injuries, and his eyes are moist because of that. He’s not freaked out by Naoe’s actions, and stays calm.
“What is it this time?”
“Kagetora-sama, you…”
“Last night, I met Mary.”
“Mary… Who is it you’re talking about?”
Kagetora proceeds to talk about Holy Mary, Jesus and the events at the end of his life. He doesn’t seem entirely sane. In the end, he says he is thirsty, and asks Naoe to get him something to drinks. As he does, Naoe is confused, wondering why Kagetora is talking about those things. At some point he remembers his dream from before, and how Kagetora talked about Naoe selling him out in that dream. “As if I would do something like that to him”, he thinks. When he returns, Kagetora is already asleep.
There’s some bit about Haruie talking with Minako and a violin and some person who gave it to his father, who in turn gave it to Minako to take care of during his trip abroad. Minako was prepared to get some jealous behaviour from her because of the events with Kase, but Haruie isn’t bothered by that and just wants to talk about plot stuff. They end up in some kind of trouble.
Meanwhile, Naoe has stayed to watch over Kagetora. When he wakes up, Kagetora is already awake, looking out of he window and tells Naoe to look: there’s snow, even though it’s May. They observe how strange that is. Kagetora tells Naoe he has now too seen the dream of the dead’s ship. When Naoe asks about it, he says someone who shouldn’t have been there - “she” - was there. Minako, Naoe realizes.
They talk about the mystery, and it seems Kagetora wants to go inside the dream to properly see everything for himself. He orders Naoe to do something about the people afflicted by the dream and its harmful effects. They perform a ritual involving blood - I think Naoe receives an object from Kagetora that will work as his connection to the real world as he goes inside the dream. Kagetora calls it a lifeline and entrusts using it to Naoe. Naoe accepts, but seems to say he will only give Kagetora an hour - after that, he will pull him back.
The book ends with an unknown man aiming a gun at Kagetora.
And that’s it.
Some random things I remember but can’t put into context: Naoe’s kouhai hanging around and trying to solve the mysteries with him; Irobe and Kousaka being there, three bad guys, some woman from a foreign country, Minako’s father also being a musician…
Commentary: I’m super excited to be able to read even this much already, though I know I’m still missing out on so much and there could be mistakes, but still.
But I love this Showa arc so much. I really like the older Kagetora and younger Naoe dynamic, and the thing with Minako is building up to become worse (as in painful) all the time. I’m looking forward to understanding more about that they say about the Hojo.
But the one thing I’m really happy about is Kagetora’s wife making an appearance. I’ve been hoping for it for a long time, and now the wish came true. Thank you Mirage and sensei for not brushing off the women!
Now, off to the fifth book!
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Mirage of Blaze Showa prequel vol 4: Muhyoumachi Blues
I recently finished going through the fourth book of the Mirage of Blaze Showa prequels, called Muhyoumachi Blues, meaning the next book after the second stage play. Here’s what I found out with my very limited Japanese (and what I still remember - should have taken notes):
The premise: for some mysterious reason, it seems a lot of people have lately seen the same dream about a ship with people who are supposed to be dead.
Naoe sees the dream too: in it, Kagetora, whose current body’s father, mother and sister are all on the ship, is about to leave everything behind as he longs for freedom. He thinks Naoe is going to sell him out. Among other things, Kagetora says something along these lines: “If we can’t change nor break this, what’s left is to go away. That’s all - the only way for me to save you from this suffering.” Naoe, of course, doesn’t want Kagetora to go.
Afterwards Naoe finds out others have had this dream too. Later, Kagetora calls the phenomenon a virus.
At some point Kagetora visits Naoe at his university. There’s a funny bit where he says he feels like a visiting parent, and Naoe tells him not to say that kind of a thing. They investigate something - maybe about some old armors? - and talk about the Hojo.
At some point I think Kagetora is being pretty rough toward Naoe, forcefully ordering him around, to the point of Naoe submitting and sounding quite weak. And I’m not sure, but maybe afterwards Nagahide fights Kagetora about that.
There’s a scene with Minako meeting someone who she seems very familiar with, and they discuss her feelings for Kase. She seems to be aware of having fallen in love with him now. They first talk without names, but eventually the other person understands it’s about Kase.
Later, Naoe shows up at Minako’s place during a rainy night. He feels miserable, and they have a talk, apparently comforting each other.
I have no idea what plot stuff leads to this, but Kagetora and co. (not including Naoe) wind up fighting some bad guys in some hotel. I’m not sure if they kidnap him or what, but in the end Kagetora becomes separated from the rest.
Later, Kagetora is alone somewhere, in a bad shape. He thinks the situation is bad. He calls Naoe’s name in his mind.
Then, Kagetora meets with Kuchiki/Nobunaga. Kagetora calls it the burial of Kase and Kuchiki. They fight - there’s some talk about swords and guns but I’m not sure about the nature of this fight.
Minako has a scene with some female spirit, and that in turn leads her to find Kagetora somewhere in a bad shape. She’s really worried, thinking he might die. As she does, Kagetora, unconscious, visions his wife, Haruhime, from his first life comforting him, saying she’s always by his side. There are some thoughts about Otate no Ran and Kagekatsu as well.
Somewhere along the line, Minako thinks it has been Holy Mary helping her. Kagetora also seems to vision her at some point as he’s saved by Minako. When Kagetora regains consciousness, Minako seems wary as if she’s done something strange, but in the end Kagetora thanks her.
They get Kagetora back to the others and have him treated and make him rest properly in a bed. When Naoe shows up and sees him with Minako, he immediately feels anxious, repeatedly asking why in his mind: “why is that person by his side?”.
Naoe looks at Minako for a long time from the distance, even as she leaves, until he’s noticed by Hakkai and brought to Kagetora. The first thing Kagetora says to him: “You’re late.” (= “I needed you here earlier”, I think.) They talk about plot stuff, most of which I don’t understand.
Naoe has been thinking about how there are some things he can’t bring himself to say to Kagetora, and how he’s acting like a cowardly boy. At some point, Kagetora tells him he can go now, but Naoe doesn’t want to leave him alone in that shape in case their enemies would try to use this moment to their advantage. Kagetora says he’s not in the mood for talking as he’s in pain and wants to rest, closing his eyes.
Finally Naoe snaps and firmly plants both of his hands on the bed. Kagetora is radiating heat because of his injuries, and his eyes are moist because of that. He’s not freaked out by Naoe’s actions, and stays calm.
“What is it this time?”
“Kagetora-sama, you…”
“Last night, I met Mary.”
“Mary… Who is it you’re talking about?”
Kagetora proceeds to talk about Holy Mary, Jesus and the events at the end of his life. He doesn’t seem entirely sane. In the end, he says he is thirsty, and asks Naoe to get him something to drinks. As he does, Naoe is confused, wondering why Kagetora is talking about those things. At some point he remembers his dream from before, and how Kagetora talked about Naoe selling him out in that dream. “As if I would do something like that to him”, he thinks. When he returns, Kagetora is already asleep.
There’s some bit about Haruie talking with Minako and a violin and some person who gave it to his father, who in turn gave it to Minako to take care of during his trip abroad. Minako was prepared to get some jealous behaviour from her because of the events with Kase, but Haruie isn’t bothered by that and just wants to talk about plot stuff. They end up in some kind of trouble.
Meanwhile, Naoe has stayed to watch over Kagetora. When he wakes up, Kagetora is already awake, looking out of he window and tells Naoe to look: there’s snow, even though it’s May. They observe how strange that is. Kagetora tells Naoe he has now too seen the dream of the dead’s ship. When Naoe asks about it, he says someone who shouldn’t have been there - “she” - was there. Minako, Naoe realizes.
They talk about the mystery, and it seems Kagetora wants to go inside the dream to properly see everything for himself. He orders Naoe to do something about the people afflicted by the dream and its harmful effects. They perform a ritual involving blood - I think Naoe receives an object from Kagetora that will work as his connection to the real world as he goes inside the dream. Kagetora calls it a lifeline and entrusts using it to Naoe. Naoe accepts, but seems to say he will only give Kagetora an hour - after that, he will pull him back.
The book ends with an unknown man aiming a gun at Kagetora.
And that’s it.
Some random things I remember but can’t put into context: Naoe’s kouhai hanging around and trying to solve the mysteries with him; Irobe and Kousaka being there, three bad guys, some woman from a foreign country, Minako’s father also being a musician…
Commentary: I’m super excited to be able to read even this much already, though I know I’m still missing out on so much and there could be mistakes, but still.
But I love this Showa arc so much. I really like the older Kagetora and younger Naoe dynamic, and the thing with Minako is building up to become worse (as in painful) all the time. I’m looking forward to understanding more about that they say about the Hojo.
But the one thing I’m really happy about is Kagetora’s wife making an appearance. I’ve been hoping for it for a long time, and now the wish came true. Thank you Mirage and sensei for not brushing off the women!
Now, off to the fifth book!
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