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Jirou, still in Michio’s body, is out on a walk with Kase. He apologizes for having him tag along, but Kase doesn’t mind. Jirou tells him there’s someone he wanted to meet.

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They stop near a small place selling korokke. When Kase asks about a person they see working there, Jirou tells him she’s a woman who was to be his wife. Kase is a bit surprised at this. Jirou says he has no regrets about having died to protect his younger brother Michio, but he feels sorry for the woman, Yuuko. Looking at her, Jirou tells Kase he has been worried about her, but now thinks she seems to be doing okay.
Kase seems a bit touched by this, and without asking Jirou, takes off for a minute. Jirou calls after him, but stays back to look at Yuuko. “Hurry up and find a good person”, he says, and wishes for her to become happy.

Kase comes back, holding two pieces of korokke - apparently called “Jirou-korokke”, the recommendation of the place - and hands one at Jirou, who hesitates at first. Kase keeps looking at him as he slowly takes a bite. Jirou, now very quiet, observes it’s a potato korokke, his favourite food. Kase smiles in the background, as the emotional Jirou says it’s really, really good.
Kase agrees that it’s good, and so is the name - it will probably sell well. Jirou laughs at this, calling Kase stupid and saying it has a weird name. They laugh, and walk off together.

Back at Regalo, chief Shigyou is reminding Natsu the show is starting soon - it’s his drum debut, so he shouldn’t be worrying about serving the customers. Natsu thanks him and leaves his duties to Masa, one of Regalo’s workers.

Jirou comes in, much to Natsu’s delight. Natsu had thought he wouldn’t come, but Jirou calls him stupid - no way he would miss Natsu’s debut. After asking Jirou to please watch the show, Natsu gets excited about getting beer for Jirou, saying it’s his treat. Jirou is impressed, and takes the seat prepared for him. Natsu also has a request: that after the show, they should clink glasses together. He puts out his fist as if asking for a confirmation, making Jirou chuckle and bump fists with him, agreeing to his request.

Next to show up is Naoe. Upon recognizing him, Shigyou immediately starts looking for Kase, but he’s not in at the moment so he asks Naoe to take his time. As Naoe makes his way to the counter, he notices Jirou and notes he’s still in Michio’s body. Jirou brushes him off, as it will be just for a while. Naoe says something about Matsuhime’s skull, and Jirou gives and apologetic reply.

Meanwhile, Kagetora has shown up behind the counter, and Naoe walks to him. Kagetora is avoiding looking at him. Naoe starts by asking if it’s okay, letting Jirou continue staying in Michio’s body. Kase tells him there seems to be no resistance on Michio’s side - after all, it’s the spirit of his dead older brother.

They look at Jirou for a while, before Naoe turns his attention to his own hand, the one he himself bit in the fight before. Kagetora turns away again, seemingly to work, scribbling something in Regalo’s memo.
“So you are not going to say anything?” says Naoe.
“About what?” asks Kagetora. “About you throwing yourself off the Tokyo Tower?”
Kagetora sets down the memo he’s been trying to focus on, and comes out from behind the counter.

“I don’t want to hear any excuses.”
“Being controlled by Nobunaga, I thought I might end up hurting you”, Naoe says, still holding his own wrist. Frustrated at the silence, he says “Kagetora-sama”, walking to him.

“So, by pushing debt to other people like that, you’ll be able to gain advantage.” Kagetora turns to face Naoe. “Your thinking is, as always… too selfish.”

Naoe takes a second to take that in. He then straightens up, takes a step to put himself right in front of Kagetora, saying: “Revolution is scary, isn’t it?”

At this point, Marii comes up, telling Naoe and Kagetora to stop fighting (“it’s not a fight” Naoe says, but they move away from each other). Marii talks about how Nagahide and Irobe saved them so things should be good now. And besides, it’s time for Natsu’s debut, so they should focus on cheering for him since he has worked really hard for this. After saying that Marii leaves them and goes talk to Natsu.
Naoe is again holding his wrist in his own thoughts, when Kagetora speaks up again, not quite looking at him.
“It’s good you’re okay.”
They turn to look at each other.

“I don’t want to see it a second time” - Kagetora steps closer to Naoe - “your dying face.” He touches Naoe’s shoulder briefly, but continues to walk past him, going to serve a drink to Jirou. Naoe is left looking at his back, visibly moved, and moves his hand to his shoulder where Kagetora just touched him.

Jirou now asks Kase for a favor: can he look after Natsu? Kase tells him not to worry. Jirou continues, telling him that within the Tsubame gang, Natsu was the most sensitive guy, and still is actually gentle and fragile. “A swallow of glass?” (“ruri no tsubame ka?”) muses Kagetora. Jirou continues: Natsu is the one among the gang who to caused him most concern. But that also caused Michio to feel jealous of Natsu. He says something about being strict and their family, and in the end, wishes he had been more affectionate towards Michio.

Kase consoles Jirou, saying Michio is surely listening now, somewhere inside that body. Jirou agrees. He says that if saving Michio can be his atonement, he is satisfied. Because after all, Michio is his important younger brother.
The show is now starting. Marii asks the crowd if the imperial wedding parade wasn’t wonderful, and moves on to introduce Natsu’s debut. The audience cheers him on, and Jirou hits his chest a few times as a sign of support, making Natsu smile. Natsu and Marii start performing an upbeat rock song.

Kase and Jirou comment on Natsu being good. When Jirou is surprised at Kase being knowledgeable of music, he explains that listening to it everyday here, he appears to start understanding.

Jirou is happy Natsu has found his way, and hence as his last words: Natsu has now arrived [to a place of his own]. With that, Jirou’s spirit leaves, and Michio is left sitting there unconscious, with Kase ensuring he doesn’t fall.

Natsu and Marii eventually finish the song, and the audience cheers. Kagetora, speaking to himself, notes Jirou was supposed to raise a glass with Natsu. Now looking at Natsu, Kagetora says he is no longer a swallow of glass - he can fly to whatever heights.

And with that, the play is over.
I hope you enjoyed this summary/translation! There’s still a lot I didn’t understand, and some parts I only understood later on or from translating from the novel. I will soonish go over the whole thing again to see if I can clarify things further, and update the posts if I can. I myself love this play and thought it gave a lot of new perspective on Mirage of Blaze.
Lastly, some good news: there is one more extra scene to go, and it’s good, so please look forward to it!
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Jirou, still in Michio’s body, is out on a walk with Kase. He apologizes for having him tag along, but Kase doesn’t mind. Jirou tells him there’s someone he wanted to meet.

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They stop near a small place selling korokke. When Kase asks about a person they see working there, Jirou tells him she’s a woman who was to be his wife. Kase is a bit surprised at this. Jirou says he has no regrets about having died to protect his younger brother Michio, but he feels sorry for the woman, Yuuko. Looking at her, Jirou tells Kase he has been worried about her, but now thinks she seems to be doing okay.
Kase seems a bit touched by this, and without asking Jirou, takes off for a minute. Jirou calls after him, but stays back to look at Yuuko. “Hurry up and find a good person”, he says, and wishes for her to become happy.

Kase comes back, holding two pieces of korokke - apparently called “Jirou-korokke”, the recommendation of the place - and hands one at Jirou, who hesitates at first. Kase keeps looking at him as he slowly takes a bite. Jirou, now very quiet, observes it’s a potato korokke, his favourite food. Kase smiles in the background, as the emotional Jirou says it’s really, really good.
Kase agrees that it’s good, and so is the name - it will probably sell well. Jirou laughs at this, calling Kase stupid and saying it has a weird name. They laugh, and walk off together.

Back at Regalo, chief Shigyou is reminding Natsu the show is starting soon - it’s his drum debut, so he shouldn’t be worrying about serving the customers. Natsu thanks him and leaves his duties to Masa, one of Regalo’s workers.

Jirou comes in, much to Natsu’s delight. Natsu had thought he wouldn’t come, but Jirou calls him stupid - no way he would miss Natsu’s debut. After asking Jirou to please watch the show, Natsu gets excited about getting beer for Jirou, saying it’s his treat. Jirou is impressed, and takes the seat prepared for him. Natsu also has a request: that after the show, they should clink glasses together. He puts out his fist as if asking for a confirmation, making Jirou chuckle and bump fists with him, agreeing to his request.

Next to show up is Naoe. Upon recognizing him, Shigyou immediately starts looking for Kase, but he’s not in at the moment so he asks Naoe to take his time. As Naoe makes his way to the counter, he notices Jirou and notes he’s still in Michio’s body. Jirou brushes him off, as it will be just for a while. Naoe says something about Matsuhime’s skull, and Jirou gives and apologetic reply.

Meanwhile, Kagetora has shown up behind the counter, and Naoe walks to him. Kagetora is avoiding looking at him. Naoe starts by asking if it’s okay, letting Jirou continue staying in Michio’s body. Kase tells him there seems to be no resistance on Michio’s side - after all, it’s the spirit of his dead older brother.

They look at Jirou for a while, before Naoe turns his attention to his own hand, the one he himself bit in the fight before. Kagetora turns away again, seemingly to work, scribbling something in Regalo’s memo.
“So you are not going to say anything?” says Naoe.
“About what?” asks Kagetora. “About you throwing yourself off the Tokyo Tower?”
Kagetora sets down the memo he’s been trying to focus on, and comes out from behind the counter.

“I don’t want to hear any excuses.”
“Being controlled by Nobunaga, I thought I might end up hurting you”, Naoe says, still holding his own wrist. Frustrated at the silence, he says “Kagetora-sama”, walking to him.

“So, by pushing debt to other people like that, you’ll be able to gain advantage.” Kagetora turns to face Naoe. “Your thinking is, as always… too selfish.”

Naoe takes a second to take that in. He then straightens up, takes a step to put himself right in front of Kagetora, saying: “Revolution is scary, isn’t it?”

At this point, Marii comes up, telling Naoe and Kagetora to stop fighting (“it’s not a fight” Naoe says, but they move away from each other). Marii talks about how Nagahide and Irobe saved them so things should be good now. And besides, it’s time for Natsu’s debut, so they should focus on cheering for him since he has worked really hard for this. After saying that Marii leaves them and goes talk to Natsu.
Naoe is again holding his wrist in his own thoughts, when Kagetora speaks up again, not quite looking at him.
“It’s good you’re okay.”
They turn to look at each other.

“I don’t want to see it a second time” - Kagetora steps closer to Naoe - “your dying face.” He touches Naoe’s shoulder briefly, but continues to walk past him, going to serve a drink to Jirou. Naoe is left looking at his back, visibly moved, and moves his hand to his shoulder where Kagetora just touched him.

Jirou now asks Kase for a favor: can he look after Natsu? Kase tells him not to worry. Jirou continues, telling him that within the Tsubame gang, Natsu was the most sensitive guy, and still is actually gentle and fragile. “A swallow of glass?” (“ruri no tsubame ka?”) muses Kagetora. Jirou continues: Natsu is the one among the gang who to caused him most concern. But that also caused Michio to feel jealous of Natsu. He says something about being strict and their family, and in the end, wishes he had been more affectionate towards Michio.

Kase consoles Jirou, saying Michio is surely listening now, somewhere inside that body. Jirou agrees. He says that if saving Michio can be his atonement, he is satisfied. Because after all, Michio is his important younger brother.
The show is now starting. Marii asks the crowd if the imperial wedding parade wasn’t wonderful, and moves on to introduce Natsu’s debut. The audience cheers him on, and Jirou hits his chest a few times as a sign of support, making Natsu smile. Natsu and Marii start performing an upbeat rock song.

Kase and Jirou comment on Natsu being good. When Jirou is surprised at Kase being knowledgeable of music, he explains that listening to it everyday here, he appears to start understanding.

Jirou is happy Natsu has found his way, and hence as his last words: Natsu has now arrived [to a place of his own]. With that, Jirou’s spirit leaves, and Michio is left sitting there unconscious, with Kase ensuring he doesn’t fall.

Natsu and Marii eventually finish the song, and the audience cheers. Kagetora, speaking to himself, notes Jirou was supposed to raise a glass with Natsu. Now looking at Natsu, Kagetora says he is no longer a swallow of glass - he can fly to whatever heights.

And with that, the play is over.
I hope you enjoyed this summary/translation! There’s still a lot I didn’t understand, and some parts I only understood later on or from translating from the novel. I will soonish go over the whole thing again to see if I can clarify things further, and update the posts if I can. I myself love this play and thought it gave a lot of new perspective on Mirage of Blaze.
Lastly, some good news: there is one more extra scene to go, and it’s good, so please look forward to it!
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